Life is never dull when you live in an Idea Factory. I was working in the garden last weekend and saw two grown dogs and a puppy running along the other side of the street. The Idea Factory is on a pretty busy street, so I was concerned when I saw them decide to cross the street. The two older ones made it, but the puppy wasn’t fast enough and got stuck in the middle of the street with cars whizzing past her on both sides. She finally gave up and just sat in the middle of the street and cried. The two older dogs kept going, and I knew she wasn’t going to make it if she stayed there so I picked her up and brought her in.
She had a small wound but seemed more scared than anything, and she was just a baby. With two older dogs who had both shown up here pretty much the same way I knew we couldn’t have another dog so I set about trying to find her owner or someone who would adopt her with no luck. So it looks like Rosebud is going to be the newest member of our family.
I’ve always been a cat person, and when the other two dogs came to live with us they had some age on them, so being around a puppy is a new experience. Puppies may be cute, but they are an incredible amount of work! I swear Ms. Rosie has Great Dane in her - her paws are huge, and she has this long skinny tail which feels like a whip when she’s wagging it. I don’t even know where to begin to start housebreaking her, so for now she has limited inside privledges.
The holiday and gift giving season is coming up quickly, and I beg any of you that think giving a pet as a gift will remember that it is a life long commitment for someone, and that every shelter and rescue group that I’ve contacted has more animals than they can possibly take care of - please consider and older, loving animal that is trained and needs a loving home.